If you're like me, being on the verge of dry, chapped lips is always a possibility! Since I was 16 I've pretty much worn lipstick everyday! E-V-E-R-Y D-A-Y! Of course who doesn't like a swath of pale pink or bright red to perk up a winter day! But that's not the only reason I've done this daily ritual....necessity is the other reason because dry lips have often plagued me. When I was a little girl I used to lick my lips in the wintertime over and over and over because they were so dry and that left me with the dreaded clown "ring" around my lips! My oh my! What a beautiful sight I was!
Thankfully I've learned a thing or two over the years and I'd like to share three little secrets with you to help you combat this annoying problem!
1. Use herbs.
As I was healing my body from the inside out I used all kinds of cleansing and building herbs to achieve health! Part of my journey involved healing the kidneys. The Chinese call the skin the third kidney so it goes to reason that my dry lips were a direct result of loaded kidneys. I was taught to use herbs like Uva Ursi, Dandelion and Juniper Berries and combinations of herbs known to cleanse and nourish the kidneys to regain balance. As I released the burden my lips responded positively! Still today I can tell from my lips that my kidneys are starting to become loaded and I need to take some cleansing herbs to relieve the pressure and my lips never get to that unbearable state.
2. Remove the dry skin from your lips.
What? Hey that got your attention! Well removing dry skin off lips is not really that mysterious....just think Lip Scrubs. DIY lip scrubs are a fantastic way of removing all that dry skin and starting fresh. It not only scrubs them clean it also leaves rich moisture from the oils directly on them!
All you need to make this at home is some sugar, high quality carrier oil, and some essential oils which are optional! So here's an easy little recipe to get you started!
Peppermint Lip Scrub
1 tsp white sugar
1/2 tsp olive oil (or grapeseed, safflower, sunflower, avocado)
1 drop Peppermint Essential Oil (optional)
Mix these up and rub a little on your lips. Remove the excess with a damp cloth and you're ready for your favorite lipstick or lip balm!
And that brings me to point 3.
3. Regularly wear a clean lipstick or lip balm.
Using the right products is key to keeping your lips in great shape! Unfortunately I know young girls that will use lipstick brands that actually cause their lips to CRACK and BLEED! It's true! Their lips dry out because of these inferior brands and makes matters worse.
Thankfully A'del lipstick is very moisturizing so it's a great, clean go-to and before bed I always apply A'del lip balm.
(For any newbies to my blog here's a nutshell of my background: Young woman with bad health goes holistic in her approach to healing and 20 years later finds she's in better health than she ever was! Starts formulating and manufacturing makeup using the tools she learned about natural healing and her little hobby turns into a family business!)